
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Twin Galaxies Classic Gaming Extravaganza

A couple of weeks ago, Charis and Ryan went with me to the Twin Galaxies Trading Card Premiere at Pinballz arcade in Austin, an event honoring people--mainly Texans in this case--who have made "important contributions to the global video game culture."
I would have been happy to simply squeeze in at the autographing table and sell a few books at this fun event, but legendary video game scorekeeper, film star, patriarch, and all-around-nice-guy Walter Day honored me with an award for my book series. And it was a great honor. As a writer, I spend a lot of time in isolation, reading, writing, researching--things I love--but it was nice getting some public recognition for my work, especially from someone like Walter.
I was nervous during my acceptance speech, in which I briefly discussed how my book series filled a gap in the publishing industry (movies, sports, etc., have comprehensive reference guides, why not video games?), but I managed to get through it without clearing the room or throwing up. :)
High score champion and industry activist Billy Joe Cain.
The guys from Gaming World Wide, a charitable organization that makes the world a better place through video games.
Walter Day presenting an award to International Video Game Auction House owner Ben Gold, who won the "That's Incredible" video game championship back in 1983.
Pinballz is a great arcade with more than 250 pinballs and arcade cabs, but I spent most of my day there selling books, talking to people (such as "Night Stalker" champion Matt Miller, pictured above), and just hanging out.
As always, Charis, the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, offered her love and support.

 Ryan getting some time in on his favorite pinball machine: South Park.

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