A 5-star review of my second book just popped up on Amazon:
I just purchased this on the kindle. I was very pleased with the savings over the hardcover copy. I wish the hardcover copy was a little cheaper. With that being said, I found this book to be a great reference book for entire video game library of the NES, SMS, and Atari 7800. The descriptions were very informative and I liked the feature of listing the number of players and where else the game was released. The only thing I wished it had was if the author rated each title on a 1-10 scale. You can sort of tell the titles he really likes, but I would love to see how he would actually rate them. Also, as another reviewer noted screenshots would have been a big plus if possible. With that being said, I am looking forward to the author's next book and I might have to pick up the first one to hold me over until then. (Written by cybersp78)
You can view sample pages of the book here:
Sample Pages
Hardcover ordering information here:
Classic Home Video Games, 1985-1988
Kindle version ordering information here:
Amazon Kindle
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